When is Starbucks going to redesign their lid? I complained about this over a year ago and mentioned the specific location of a Starbucks where I was burned, spawning a tirade of hate mail by that location’s baristas. Since then, I have been burned and stained by Starbucks coffee on several occasions. Dunkin Donuts has…
Author: Kai
Cable, Parking, Passport
Lessons from the Real World
Months have past since I updated this weblog (which turns seven years old at the end of the year) with some details about what I’m personally up to. As you might know, I worked in financial consulting in Vienna last summer, from July to October. Since I didn’t like the way that was going, I…
Where is the News on the Evening News?
The three major U.S. evening newscasts only feature a little over ten minutes of news each weeknight, with the rest consisting of stories, heros, and investigations. The news is almost entirely domestic, with international news generally only being mentioned if it directly affects the United States. This article has a breakdown of what was on the news on two different days on four networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, and BBC America).
Will This Blog Make it to 2090?
My weblog turns seven years old this year, and it all started with a scam email I received back in December 2000. More on that below, but first this: A 107 year-old woman in Australia now has a blog. She has someone type it for her, but it is amazing nonetheless. Despite being 107, she…
Rats in a NYC KFC/Taco Bell
Valentine’s Day Storm Video: The Weather Channel in Syracuse
I Will Not Allow Facebook to Kill My Website
Lost in Translation Series: Translation Fun at the Buffet
Do Not Exceed 48 Tablets in 24 Hours
This is off a label of Bayer Low Dose “Baby” Aspirin. There’s nothing wrong with this label, as each tablet only has 81mg of aspirin, perfect for people who just want to take an aspirin daily to prevent artery clogging or whatever other positive effects aspirin has. The funny part is that you can safely…