I saw a fairly large fire on my way to see the fireworks tonight. It was in an industrial building at the corner of North 9th Street and Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg.
I saw the first smoke around 9:15 while walking on Berry Street along McCarren Park. I quickly walked down to North 10th Street, and that’s when I first saw the flames.
I’ve uploaded several more photos after the jump.
I saw this fire from a rooftop on N. 6th it looked pretty intense. My cabbie on the ride home said he saw a body bag come out but I’m not sure how reliable he is.
Wow, I certainly hope that’s not true. Seeing that it’s July 4th and it’s a factory/storage facility, I hope no one was in there. I didn’t see any ambulances while I was there.
video of fire here http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-291599
i have pretty decent photos of this, i was right across the street when it started, if anyone would like to see, feel free to email….
no bodybag, no one injured thank god.. only a rental bmw was torched.. most of the damage was to the lumber storage part of the building which was on fire. The NYFD did an amazing job containing the fire. It did not spread and their extreme and sharp efforts prevented that from happening..they should constantly be saluted as heroes, this fire was intense and had the potential to spread and be deadlier. The word arson has been thrown around but nothing is official. this is a landmark building and this is a shame, but these things do happen. Thankfully once again no one was hurt…..
I’m a fireman with L-146, I am with one of the companies that responded to the 4th of July fire at North 9th and Wythe. I was looking around online and saw this posting that you had pictures of this fire. I was wondering If you could email them to me or drop them by the firehouse on Richardson St. Thank you for your time.
FF Eugene Abramshe
Pretty intense fire!
Thanks to god that no one was injured in that accident.