Holding onto Summer, Wild Boars

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Wild Boars (Wildschweine) in the Lainzer TiergartenThis past week hasn't been too bad, event-wise. I went out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, which were all great nights out. However, Monday was Kerstin's last night, and it's pretty depressing that she's gone now.

I've gone for several walks in the Lainzer Tiergarten, which is close to my dad's apartment. It's a 2,450 hectar (6,054 acre) wildlife park. The weird thing though, is that I never see any mammals except wild boars, and that has only happened twice as well. Maybe they're all too scared to go anywhere close to any path. However, near the main entrance, the Lainzer Tor, there are fenced-in areas where they keep a collection of the park's mammals.

Yesterday I ran into a whole family of wild boars. I took pictures until one of the parents looked straight at me and grunted. I took that as a cue to leave! I walked around 14km (8.7 miles) yesterday, which took me three hours, not including the half-hour or so I spent at a restaurant in the middle of the woods.

The weather is still supposed to be great today, before getting a little cooler tomorrow, so maybe I should go for another walk today.

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