Nearing the End

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I can't believe another semester is nearly over again, but I'm kind of glad. "Nearly over" is almost an exaggeration, because even though there are only somewhere around two weeks left, there's a ton of work/studying left to do.

Last night we had the first significant snowfall here in Syracuse. It still wasn't a ton, but it's supposed to snow continuously throughout today and tonight. At around 3:30 I'm going to take CENTRO to Northside Collision to pick up my car, which has been there since Monday to have its bumper cover paint redone, after some idiot ran against it some night a couple weeks ago, while it was parked in one of the neighborhood parking lots. Afterwards I'll drive home.

On Friday I'll be back up in Syracuse to work the closing shift at Target on "Black Friday" (or "Green Friday" as we call it). For my non-U.S. readers, the day after Thanksgiving has historically been one of the craziest shopping days, with stores opening at ungodly hours such as 5 or 6 a.m. with hundreds of people lining up to try to get their hands on limited-supply crazy specials. The name comes from the fact that retailers try to get back into positive (black/green) figures that day. Target's 2-Day Sale Website is even offering free celebrity tuck-in and wake-up calls! Since I'm working the closing shift, starting at 3:30, I get to clean up the mess!

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This page contains a single entry by Kai published on November 23, 2005 11:58 AM.

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