Hooters in Vienna

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"No one goes to Hooters for wings!" -Chris Rock No Sex in the Champagne Room

No one goes to Hooters in Vienna... at all! I went there last night with a few of my friends and it was just absolutely horrible. The interior looked like an Irish Pub or maybe a ski lodge... I don't know what their desired affect was, but it was pretty shady. There used to be three in Vienna (one of them even in a traditional wine-making neighborhood!), but like I said, no one goes to Hooters in Vienna, and I wouldn't be surprised if this last one were to be gone soon as well. It's two blocks from the main downtown street, and I mentioned last night  how there probably would be business if people knew it was there. A friend of mine told me that there was a large neon sign two blocks down advertising it, upon which I said "you mean that sign?" (pointing to a large broken sign resting under the stairwell)

They had one of those laminated "specials" sheets, and I guess it was Corona night or something, so a few of my friends wanted to take advantage of it so they ordered from this menu. However, the one waitress on duty (therefore there was only one Hooters girl in the entire restaurant) told us that menu was only for January and February! Why the hell do they still have it out then? Actually, I took a look at the menu afterwards and as far as I could tell only one of the things on that specials menu was restricted to January and February, so I guess the waitress had no clue what she was doing.

Then some of my friends ordered something else from the waitress, who, after consulting her manager, told them that they were out of that. Gah, what a horrible Hooters. I ordered mineral water since I was driving, for which I was charged like &eur;1.80 (around $2.12) for 0.25L (less than what's in a normal soda can).

When I was driving my friend Thorsten home we were being followed by this blue BMW for like ten minutes. Every little side road we turned into this BMW turned into. Thorsten kept telling me it was an unmarked police car, so I wasn't too happy about it. About a block before I got to Thorsten's place we finally turned different directions. However, right after I dropped Thorsten off, I felt like I was being followed by a real police car. It also followed me through several turns, and I finally lost it after I barely made it through an intersection before a light turned red.

Hooters Girls in Vienna

Picture off Hooters Austria's web site

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