Exams, Trip, Sophomores, Alumni

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Once again I've been horribly lazy and haven't updated this thing in weeks. Oh well Guess it's time for me to write another thousand-word entry to tell the story of my last few weeks.

Basically, I had no final exams this semester. But I had around forty pages in essays to write. I ended up writing each essay the night/morning before it was due, because I can only write under pressure. So Saturday the 10th, when I was almost done, I took a trip home to take half my junk out of my room. Seriously, it was during this last week of college where I wished I had decorated my room like two of my friends down the hall, Josh and Jason, who each had one poster on the wall, one TV and one computer, and maybe a fridge Anyway, their room was basically the way they found it.

I, on the other hand, had a huge 27-inch TV, a computer with tons of extra junk attached to it, tons of video equipment, four plastic storage bins, and a lot more. Anyway, I went home Saturday and drove back Sunday, upon which I drove home again Tuesday after attending a mandatory three-minute philosophy exam period, in which we just handed in our papers. What a waste of time! It took me forever on Tuesday to pack all my junk into the car. I finally left around five I guess.

When I got home I got to pack again, for seven or eight weeks in Vienna! I packed until two, and then from six to 9:30, upon which my mom dropped me off at the Greyhound station. I then took a bus to JFK via the wonderful Port Authority Terminal. My flight was all right, except for the fact that the guy in front of me had a "broken" seat that went back way to far. Hence I was horribly squeezed in. But I always chose an aisle seat, so I could utilize the aisle a bit.

I got to Vienna and basically sat around a lot as soon as I got home. I slept for about one hour, upon which I ate and went out to play pool until like one-something.

On Friday I visited my former high school and saw a lot of my sophomore friends, which was pretty nice. That night we went to some underground school band thing downtown, which was pretty good.

Saturday I wandered up and down the main shopping street in Vienna, Mariahilfer Straˆüe several times. It was a great way to kill time. That night I went to Marry Monk, an Irish pub with a few of my friends.

Sunday: I don't even know how I killed time, but I did.

Monday I drove up to school again, and ran in for just about a minute to pick up my prom ticket. Yes, I have one, but don't really know why. That night I had dinner at TGI Fridays and then went to Merry Monk again.

Tuesday I did nothing during the day. That night I went to Merry Monk again, followed by Paddys, where there were tons of alumni.

I always pick the worst days to take public. Last night I was sick of driving and not being able to drink, so I decided to take public. Of course the one night where I chose to do this, there happened to be a rain storm, which must have started sometime while I was in the subway. Anyway, I got soaked several times last night. Also, the night ended much quicker, and less people were there.

This morning I actually slept until noon for once. That was great. I just had some coffee and one roll with jelly on it, and then decided to type up this summary of events of the last week. Today I might go running, but that will be about it. Usually there's always some mini-party every night, although all my friends who are going out are going to go see The Matrix Reloaded, which I decided not to in order to save myself the ten euros.

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This page contains a single entry by Kai published on May 22, 2003 1:17 PM.

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