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Crime in New York City vs. Other U.S. Cities, What's up with Sweden!?

Searching for a job, and being international relations major, I have not excluded the possibility of moving to New York City in the not-so-distant future. I've received some comments about New York City crime, which has led me to do a little bit of research. Here are some tables comparing crime in New York City to that of Syracuse, Rochester, Boston, and Washington, DC:

Syracuse Crime vs. NYC Crime Rochester Crime vs. NYC Crime Boston Crime vs. NYC Crime Washington, DC Crime vs. NYC Crime

Then I decided to find some crime rate comparisons of countries worldwide. I didn't find too much, but I found this table comparing a few countries:

Country Crime Comparison

What's up with Sweden!? It's pretty unfathomable to me that I'm nearly twice as likely to get murdered in Sweden than in the United States! You can read the report regarding this table here.


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These information is unik
as Interpol does not publish the needed source material any longer.

The have been calculated perfectly by a M.Sc.(Economics) J. E. Vig, Denmark with the Website:


We must not compare because
there is too large differences that are easy to explain.


Jens Nielsen

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