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Trivia Night, Fall Kick Off

Merry Monk Trivia NightI'm looking forward to two events this week: Trivia Night on Wednesday and my self-proclaimed start to fall this Friday.

Trivia Night at Merry Monk has expanded quickly since the first time Chris, Oliver, Stani, and I participated (and won) the first time in June. After a four-week hiatus due to the World Cup, it has really started to gain momentum. Last week we had about 14 people from our high school alumni base participating in two teams. It's becoming pretty crazy.

I can't believe the summer is already nearing its end. That's simply insane. Since I am constantly being reminded by people having their "last night" parties and what-not, I decided to simply try to put it in a positive light and simply kick off fall this Friday night. That'll be at Lukas, the perennial favorite bar of my historical core group here in Vienna.

If you have Facebook access you can check out the event listings of these two events and add yourself if you are in Vienna:


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