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February Was Another Great Month for newkai.com

Unique Visitors: 6497 (New Record)
Number of Visits: 10872 (New Record)
Pages: 29715 (5th Place)
Hits: 96483 (7th Place)
Bandwidth: 2.65 GB (2nd Place)
Top Photo: DSC02637 from "New Year's Eve" (36 Views, Pictured)
Top Countries: United States, Austria, Australia, Great Britain, Sweden

February was a pretty decent month for newkai.com, thanks to a great increase in visitors that find my site through Google. Considering I hardly added any photos last month, the results are great.

The increase in Google traffic can be seen in the first two figures above, which both represent new records since my current statistics software began tracking in December 2004. Bandwidth (data transfered) came in second, most likely still fueled by the new videos I added in January.

Pages and hits could not keep up at all because of the lack of new photos. Each photo is located on a separate page, which drives those statistics up.

Speaking of photos, last month's most-visited photo, DSC02637, was not unseated, being viewed 36 unique times, not including its views on this weblog.

The most visited sections of my website were AIS2002.COM, followed by my weblog, KaiCams, photos, and videos.

Google's index of my website dropped from 951 to 724 pages. Currently the most searched-for phrase that leads Googlers to my site is depressing lyrics, followed by IB sucks and 18th birthday party.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2006 11:46 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Windstorm.

The next post in this blog is Scandinavia Trip 2006.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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