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"Because Your Weblog Should Be Fun, Not Work"

I've been spending most of this week randomly tweaking things on my weblog. Along with installing about half-a-dozen plugins, I spent the entire night last night, and a good amount of this morning, trying to get LiveJournal sign in to work. Since everyone and their mom (or perhaps their sister) has LiveJournal, I thought it'd be a great feature to add. There's a plugin by markpasc that adds this functionality. I installed it, created a LiveJournal account for testing it, and have gotten to the LiveJournal verification page, where LJ asks me if it's OK to send my identity to newkai.com. Then, however, I get this error: Undefined subroutine &Digest::MD5::md5_hex called at signon.cgi line 103. So close... I have Digest::MD5 installed on my server... That can't be the problem. Anyway, I've asked for help on the Six Apart forums, so maybe I can get it working sometime in the not so distant future. I also just updated to the latest nightly build of Movable Type. A new beta release is coming out tomorrow, so this was quite pointless, but I thought I'd try it out anyway. It seems to be working fine. Update: LiveJournal login now works!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 9, 2005 11:49 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Doctor Insanity.

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