Germany, Quarry, Babe-Watching

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I spent four to five days in Germany. ThereÌs not much to say to that besides that I reconfirmed a few things about Germans, such as that they are horribly unfriendly compared to the average Austrian. Salespeople in stores wonÌt even look up from what they are doing when you purchase something. All they do is say like Ïone fiftyÓ or whatever you owe them and then they go back to their magazine or to talking with their colleagues.

Tuesday night I kicked of Vienna Trip Part II with another party at PaddyÌs, followed by sitting outside of Flex. It was all right. Last night I went to the quarry and it was fun as usual. I got there horribly early (eight) but it beat sweating at home. Rumor has it there is another one Saturday night.

I went swimming today at the local pool. I swam for about twenty minutes and then babe-watched for three hours. There were none, however, making the whole effort somewhat questionable. I have no clue what IÌm going to do tonight.

And it's still hot as hell out!

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This page contains a single entry by Kai published on June 12, 2003 6:31 PM.

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