Today I read a quite funny article by Jeff Kramer, who writes a weekly humor column in the Post-Standard. This week he compared Syracuse to Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, and managed to find over a dozen similarities.
Is Syracuse just another Neverland?
This past week Syracuse Police began teaming up with the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department and the New York State Police to crack down on crime in Syracuse’s worst neighborhoods, which has gotten horribly ridiculous.
Hardly a day passes without reading or hearing about shootings. Today I got to read about five people being injured Saturday in two separate shootings:
“Three teens were shot just after 2:30 p.m. when a shooter walked through a convenience store parking lot, firing off shot after shot in a spray that went in several directions.” –The Post-Standard
Wonderful… And the closest-to-home incident in the past few months was last month’s discovery of a body in the park at the end of my block.
Body found in Thornden Park

Thornden Park
Actually, it was found behind a house across the street: NEAR the park, not IN it.
I’m pretty sure that it was found in the wooded area in the northeast corner of the park by Madison Street. Are you sure you aren’t confusing this with the Brian Shaw murder, where the body was found behind a house in that neighborhood?
Oo, right. Maybe I am. I didn’t realize there were two different incidents. Sorry ’bout that.
Hi – fun reading your Syracuse journal – both husband and I were born and have always lived here. With all its pluses & minuses I can’t think of anyplace I’d rather live. Well…maybe Nova Scotia.