Unique Visitors: 5625 (New Record)
Number of Visits: 8840 (New Record)
Pages: 39065 (2nd Place)
Hits: 160085 (2nd Place)
Bandwidth: 3.11 GB (New Record)
Top Photo: DSC02637 from “New Year’s Eve” (52 Views, Pictured)
Top Countries: United States, Austria, Great Britain, Australia, Switzerland
January was a extremely successful month for newkai.com, fueled by the addition of around 500 photos and four videos between December 24 and January 31.
The bandwidth (data transfered) shattered the previous record of 1.98 GB, set in July 2005, by over a 57 percent, coming in at 3.11 GB. The unique visitor number came in at over twice the record from that same July, while visits broke the record (again from July ’05) by nearly 86 percent.
Pages and hits could not keep up with July ’05, most likely due to the hundreds of photos that were being posted every week back then, causing many more individual page views and hits.
The most visited sections of my website were AIS2002.COM, followed by my weblog, photos, KaiCams, and videos. The guestbook technically received top honors, but I’m de-qualifying it due to the massive spam attacks it experienced this month. This is the same order as last month, except that the video section shot up out of a much lower rank.
According to Google, my website consists of 951 pages.